Hi everyone! So I have exciting things to share with all of you! As you know, I am finished school. I am now Cerified in Culinary Nutrition and a Certfied Instructor. I am very happy and would like to thank everyone for the emails with words of encouragement. With my new found knowledge, I am starting to host live cooking workshops on various subjects. Saturday’s IBS workshop is already filled, but I can host it again if there is more interest. The next workshop I am hosting is, Eating for Amazing Energy on Saturday March 13 at noon EST.
The workshops are live via Zoom, so anyone can join from anywhere. You get a shopping list, as well as a list of needed equipment, and the recipes. We all cook together! You find out find out about the subject at hand, helpful information, cook three recipes together, and get bonus recipes that you can make later! All the recipes are new and not available unless you take the workshop!

Eating for Amazing Energy Workshop
We’ve all been there. You grab your latte and donut, or muffin if you’re feeling particularily ‘healthy’, and start your day. Then you’re pumping yourself full of caffeine all morning. You grab a burger and pop for lunch. By the time 3 p.m. comes, you are exhausted and starving. You grab a chocolate bar to hold you over until dinner. Let’s throw a frozen pizza in the oven because you just don’t have the energy to make much else. I will explain what your body is doing when you fill it full of the foods that you have been eating. In addition, I will explain what to eat so the you don’t have those 3 p.m. crashes. With my Eating for Amazing Energy workshop, the recipes that we will be making are my Blueberry Energy Smoothie, Bolognese (with or without meat), and Quinoa Tabbouleh Salad. You will also receive three bonus recipes, as well as other links for recipes and snacks. All of the recipes are fully adaptable for your dietary needs, with substitutions available.
I hope you can join me for my Eating For Amazing Energy workshop on Saturday March 13, 2021. Act now because there are only 10 spots available!
If there is overwelming interest in this course, I will hold it again. Let me know in the comments. If there are other workshop subjects that you would be interested in, please tell me. Again, let me know in the comments or you can email me!
Just so you know, I also create personalized meal plans depending on your needs! Email me for a consultation!
Delectable Treats E-Book
Just so you know, I also have two e-books available.

Delectable Treats has recipes that will tempt your taste buds! These are all different recipes from cupcakes to cookies to tarts to chocolate and maple popcorn; you will find everything to fill you sweet tooth! You won’t find any of these of my blog.
Vegan Meals E-Book

Vegan Meals is full of delicious hearty meals. Whether you are: a full time vegan, vegetarian or just want new ideas for meatless Mondays, this e-book is for you. If you are looking for easy to make, whole food recipes, then you have come to the right place!